Monthly Archives: November 2023

Why We’d Strike

Administrative greed prohibits CSU students from graduating in four years | Opinion 

By Christy Shick   Special to The Sacramento Bee 

November 02, 2023 

The CSU has countered union demands with massive cuts that threaten to undermine the very purpose and promise of our state universities. Christy Shick 

In recent weeks, drama has escalated on university campuses throughout California as faculty and students join forces against administrators who seem to forget they are public servants, paid by tax dollars to protect higher education for students from low-income and working-class families. Instead, CSU leaders pay themselves top 1% salaries, while faculty languish on low-income wages and tuition skyrockets for students who already struggle to make ends meet. On top of that, hundreds of course offerings are being slashed, threatening to close entire departments.  

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