Monthly Archives: March 2023

FJ Revision (376)

As we discussed in class, the Fieldwork Journal instructions have been revised.

I. Go to the assigned neighborhood. Explore it for at least two hours.

II. Find a spot to sit. Now observe all that is happening around you. Note the built space, the sounds, the smells, the people. “Sketch” the space using vivid, descriptive language. You do not have to write in grammatical sentences. The purpose of this activity is to portray the enviroment in a creative, spontaneous and incisive manner. Perhaps you’ll focus on a particular person, a storefront, the flow of pedestrian traffic. You are painting, and your pigments consist of adjectives, verbs, and nouns. Try to capture the character of the space. The best way to do this is with a small notebook and pen or pencil. 

III. Go home. Type it up. Add comments that situate your sketching into a social-cultural context.  If Part II privileges spontaneity of perception, Part III emphasizes reflecting on those perceptions.

Wild City (376)

“Nothing I had experienced in my life led me to expect what would happen to me in my loneliness. One day in the middle of the summer as I was walking down 125th Street, I suddenly stopped and stared around me in amazement. It was as if I had awakened from a long dream that I’d walked around in all my life. I threw over all my preoccupations with ideas and felt so free that I didn’t know who I was or where I was The whole appearance of the world changed in a minute when I realized what had happened, and I began to look at people walking past me. They all had incredible sleepy, bestial expressions on their faces, yet no different from what they usually looked like. I suddenly understood everything vague and troubled in my mind that had been caused by the expression of people around me. Everybody I saw had something wrong with them. The apparition of an evil, sick, unconscious wild city rose before me in visible semblance, and about the dead buildings in the barren air, the bodies of the soul that built the wonderland shuffled and stalked and lurched in attitudes of immemorial nightmare all around. When I saw people conversing around me, all their conversation, all their bodily movements, all their signs, the thoughts reflected on their faces were of fear of recognition and anguished fear that someone would take the initiative and discover their masks and lies. Therefore every tone of voice, movement of the hand, carried a negative overtone: this in the world is called coyness and shyness and politeness, or frigidity and hostility when the awareness becomes too overpowering. I felt that I would be crucified if I alluded with any insistence to the divine nature of ourselves and the physical universe. Therefore I did not speak but only stared in dumb silence.”

— Allen Ginsberg, quoted in I Celebrate Myself by Bill Morgan (102-03)